There always comes a point in my paintings where I realize that I'm being boring!
I begin by selectively laying in parts of the story, I look at it one moment and go from happily building to total disgust of my lameness within seconds.
The boring-ness, all nice and safe, and careful...well, as careful as I get. I do realize this is loose for others. :-)
-Blocking or laying in some color, swooshes over stuff, in the white areas, where I still know I need to draw, probably should happen closer to the beginning.
I'm still being hesitant in this picture below...only a few swooshes, cautious of the egg tempera.
How does it swoosh? It blends a bit, not as good of a swoosh as acrylic.
I'm still being hesitant in this picture below...only a few swooshes, cautious of the egg tempera.
How does it swoosh? It blends a bit, not as good of a swoosh as acrylic.
I know more of this, lets call it "disgusted-in-myself energy," will happen throughout the piece. These are the ugly stages.
They excite me!
The ugly stage makes you work obsess until you get past it. Then hope for the next ugly stage...when you will obsess again.
The ugly stage gives me something to react to.
These pictures might not be the best examples, as I said, I was hesitant...and I also went back over the swooshes pretty quickly to gain back some of the pattern/imagery.
The ugly stage gives me something to react to.
These pictures might not be the best examples, as I said, I was hesitant...and I also went back over the swooshes pretty quickly to gain back some of the pattern/imagery.
My hesitation here, my caution also bothers me!
Why am I being such a wimp today?!
(Those of you reading this, who are not artists, are getting a good glimpse into the crazy aren't you? LOL )
I'm also trying to mix the pigments...that blue is hideous! It's hard without red, and only a few basic colors.
Need more pigments.